Providing large firm services with personal hometown attention, Abraham | Law is the right fit for all your legal needs.
Abraham Law & Matthew Abraham provide personal legal services for individuals, business owners, and their families such as estate planning (wills, trusts & powers of attorney), probate estates, commercial & residential real estate transactions, LLC & corporate services, commercial collections, mortgage & financial matters, bankruptcy & debt settlement, auto & personal injury accidents, prenuptial & post-nuptial agreements, general contract drafting & review, and other consultation services.
“I am a lifelong student of leadership & personal development and am an optimist at heart. I respect and admire the entrepreneurial spirit and initiative of people seeking to accept responsibility for themselves and their families in the creation and innovation of new business opportunities. My mission is to help clients create change by helping them build a solid foundation to successfully launch and achieve their vision.”
Our Services
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We offer a free initial consultation to determine the specific needs of our clients.
Commonly Asked Questions
Why Estate Planning is so Important to me?
Why Should I have a Living Trust?
What is the Difference between a Medical and Durable Power of Attorney?
Will a Trust benefit my Children?
Should I have a Lady Bird Deed?
The SECURE Act- What does it mean to me?
COVID-19: How should I plan?